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You’re not a real friend. Here’s why…

Improve your relationships asap

You’re not a real friend. Here’s why…


I have a friend. 

He’s talking trash all the time:

‘’I’m going to be rich in 3 years’’

‘’I’ll be driving a Bugatti in Dubai’’

‘’You’ll be working for one of my companies’’

And on and on…

Yet, he’s taking ZERO action towards achieving that goal.

He only distances himself from his goals:

  • Eating fast food

  • Not hitting the gym

  • Getting 4 hours of sleep/night

  • Playing videogames

  • Scrolling on TikTok

His life basically consists of bad habits.

I had to be real with him and tell him the harsh truth.

‘’You’re never going to make it if you keep on living like this’’ is what I told him.

He answered: ‘’What should I do then?’’

I gave him a simple and actionable plan.

  1. Delete TikTok

  2. Sign up to the gym

  3. Get 8 hours of sleep every night

For a starter, this should be enough. (for now)

This was 2 weeks ago.

I’ll keep you guys updated on his progress.

Moral of the story?

If your friends are struggling with bad habits, don’t laugh at them.

Help them instead.

Create an actionable plan and keep him accountable.

That’s what a real friend should do.

Wish you all the best,


P.S- if you enjoyed this email, it would mean the world to me if you reply to it and let me know!