Why you’re not growing on X…

it can be fixed

I was talking to a guy on X a few weeks ago.

We were talking about his account and why he wasn’t growing.

I asked him ‘’what niche are you in?’’

He said ‘’Real estate, but I don’t enjoy writing about it. I love self-improvement more’’

‘’But why are you writing about real estate then?’’ I asked.

He replied ‘’Well, there’s a lot of money to be made in that niche’’

I advised him to start writing about his passion, which is self-improvement.

He went from 33 followers to 138 within 2 weeks!

There’s a big lesson in this.

If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you will never have the drive and motivation to work hard on that project.

I can already hear some of you guys waffling ‘’B-b-but he can use discipline’’.

Yeah maybe in the short term but in the long term, it’s not sustainable.

So before you start niching down.

Find something you’re passionate about.

Something you love to talk about all day.

Something want to learn more about.

And trust me, you will get way further than the guy who doesn’t follow his passion.

Cause the man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination.

Read that again.

Speak to you guys asap.


P.S> I’m taking 1 more client to help them grow their brand.

No results= Refund.

If you’re interested, DM me “growth”.

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