X is full of scammers

Don’t fall for this trap.

There were 2 people.

George and Greg.

They both had a competition.

Whoever makes $500 in the next 30 days on X wins.

Now, George’s strategy was simple.

He spent his 30 days grinding on X.

Making 5 posts a day getting 70 followers daily.

Engaging with as many people as he can.

And made 2 giveaways that blew up.

While Greg was only posting 2 to 3 times a day.

Barely making 1000 impressions.

Barely spent any time engaging.

And only gained 2 to 3 followers per day.

After the 30 days, both George and Gregory compared their results.

So who do you think won?

If you said George then you’re wrong.

Greg was able to make $2000 in those 30 days while George made nothing.

And do you want to know why Greg won?

It’s because he had a content strategy that helped him get quality inbound leads.

Look, 90% of X is filled by creators who follow the wrong content strategy that gets them 0 results…

And do you want to know what this strategy is?

Post platitudes.

Comment over 100 times a day.

Make crappy notion giveaways.

While spending over 7 hours a day on X.

And unfortunately, George and a bunch of others fell into this trap.

But it’s not their fault.

They saw a bunch of gurus on X trying to sell them the “financial freedom” dream just by growing an account but we both know that’s not true.

And look, I know getting all those likes, followers and impressions feels good.

But what would you rather have?

1000 likes on a post you will forget in a week or $1000 in your bank account.

Pretty obvious answer.

So since you’re smart and chose money over likes and followers…

What you will need is a content strategy.

Not the strategies made by those “X gurus” who haven’t made a dime yet.

But a strategy that will get you inbound leads and make you money.

So if you want to create a content strategy that will get you 5 to 10 quality inbound leads this month so you finally start making money...

Reply to this email and we can have a chat.

Wish you all the best,
