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  • Your writing looks ugly. Here’s why…

Your writing looks ugly. Here’s why…

Aesthetic writing 101

You can write hooks like Glenn.

You can be as valuable as Stijn.

You can end your tweet like Audrey.

But if you lack this one thing, nobody will read your tweets.

Because the key component of a good tweet is not the hook, the value, or the ending.

It’s the formatting.

Good formatting makes your tweet more:

• Aesthetic

• Easy to read

• Memorable

‘’But how do I improve my formatting?’’

No worries man.

I got you.

Add this to your writing:

• Rule of 3

• Staircases

• Whitespace

• Bullet points

• Short and concise

• Write in active voice

• Vary in sentence length

Can’t go wrong with these.

Would love to see some of these on my timeline.

That was it for today.

Best regards,


P.S> I’m taking 2 more clients (100-500 followers) to help them grow their brand.

No results= Refund.

If you’re interested, DM me “growth”.

Get your free viral tweet playbook HERE