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  • How top creators get 3-5 inbounds every week

How top creators get 3-5 inbounds every week

It's not even hard

When most people start X.

They have a good offer and can get results but have trouble getting leads.

They look at the big creators who get 3 to 5 inbound leads a week.

Do you know how {name}?

If you said they have a CONTENT STRATEGY.

You’re almost there.

The truth is they don’t have a content strategy…

They have a content strategy that works.

It’s easy to make a content strategy.

The hardest part is making 1 that guarantees you leads.

Every day you see at least 5 creators share their content strategy.

But do they help get leads?

I tried most of them myself and I can say they don’t.

For the past 6 months, I struggled to create a content strategy.

Getting 0 results.

I wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong.

Until I figured out the problem.

It was so obvious…  I still can’t believe it took me that long to figure it out.

After making the fix, I was getting new inbound leads every week.

If you are still struggling to figure out a content strategy that suits your brand…

I am hosting my mentorship program.

I will teach you everything I know and help you make a content strategy to get you new leads every week.

And don’t worry about not having the “best” writing skills.

It’s so simple to put in place even a 12-year-old can do it.

But there’s only 2 spots left.

Reply to this email, if you’re interested.
