the secret to landing clients on X

Most people aren’t aware of this

Do you know the movie Star Wars A New Hope?

At the movie’s beginning, the empire is attacking a rebel ship.

The stormtroopers were able to get inside the ship.

Then chaos erupts.

The rebels and storm shooters are having a shootout.

Both sides blasting each other without any notion of a plan.

The rebels are trying their best to hold them off.

Then there is silence.

Every rebel on the ship is gone.

While the stormtroopers secure the ship, a tall man in black enters the scene.

His name is Darth Vader.

And after 2 seconds he steals the show.

Do you know how?

It’s because Darth Vader learned how to position himself.

Notice how in that scene, every stormtrooper was wearing the same white armor.

But Vader was taller than everyone and wore black instead.

His looks made him stand out.

Stealing the attention of everyone else.

This is what it means to be good at positioning.

You are competing with 100s of other people on X.

Thus you have to make yourself stand out.

So you can "steal" their clients.

So how do you position yourself?

Add something unique to your offer that no one else has.

But this is something many people struggle with…

Thus I am offering 2 more spots in my mentorship program.

I will help you craft an offer to better position yourself among your competitors which will help you land new clients every week.

But as I said there are only 2 spots left so you can sign up now and learn how to make your stand out...

Or you will have to wait until next month.

And while you wait, you will see all your competitors steal your clients.

So if you're interested, reply to this email ASAP and we can have a chat.

Until next time.
