The reason 90% of creators quit

Avoid this mistake...


Yesterday I scrolled through my following list.

I saw all the creators I started with.

Some had 100 followers, others had 1K+.

But one thing struck me…

90% of them have QUIT.

Yes, even the 1K+ accounts.

What happened to them? Why did they quit?

I wanted to find that out,

So I shot most of them a DM, asking them why they’d quit.

70% of them said something along the lines of:

‘’I lost my momentum and couldn’t get back to it’’

So the main problem that most quitters struggle with is losing their momentum.

You want to prevent yourself from quitting right?

In order to do that,

You need to show up Every. Single. Day.

Just do anything:

• Write 1 tweet

• Engage 10x

• Send 5 DMs

You gotta keep it going.

Because once you’re out of there,

It’s hard to get it back.

I can’t miss you brother.

Wish you all the best,
