Losing followers is a growth hack

wonder why?

In the last 2 days, I’ve seen more than 30 creators cry about losing followers.


They know it’s a bot wipe.

Yet it still haunts them.

All these complainers need to realize one thing…

Losing followers is actually a growth hack.

Why I’m saying that?

It’s because these bots/fake followers weren’t going to buy from you anyway.

They probably didn’t even know you existed.

And you’re crying about them?

Cmon bro…

Your audience is way more real now.

The fake ones are filtered out and now you’re left with those who:

  • Engage

  • Talk

  • Buy

You’ve just made your audience ready for selling your offer.

But how do I sell my offer?

The best way to sell your offer is through inbound leads

This is something many people struggle with…

Thus I am offering 2 more spots in my mentorship program.

I will help you craft an offer to better position yourself among your competitors which will help you land new clients weekly.

But as I said there are only 2 spots left so you can sign up now and learn how to get inbounds on autopilot.

Or you will have to wait until next month.

And while you wait, you will see all your competitors steal your clients.

So if you're interested, reply to this email ASAP and we can have a chat.

Until next time.
