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  • This habit gave me 1400+ followers on 𝕏

This habit gave me 1400+ followers on 𝕏

No jokes

5 months was all it took.

I hit 1400 followers this week.

After 4 months of:

• Tweeting in the void

• No online friends

• Small growth

My account finally blew up and I gained 754 followers in 45 days.

How I did it?

Well there was 1 habit that changed my writing FOREVER and I’m going to share it with you today:

And no, it’s not some general shit advice:

• Engage for 25 hours a day

• Optimize your tweets so that the algo boosts them!!

• Use ChatTpG to come up with content ideas

The habit that I’m going to share with you is actually actionable and effective…

Because the main reason people struggle to grow is that they focus too much on engaging, optimizing their profile, and networking.

And don’t get me wrong here, all of these things are extremely important but they don’t matter a single shit if your writing is trash.

‘’How do I improve my writing then?’’

This is where the habit comes in…

The key habit to improving your writing is analyzing and learning from bigger creators.

They’ve already grown their account, they have a clue what they’re doing, and they know all the tips and tricks.

And you don’t.

Simple as that.

And I’m not saying you should copy their content. The opposite.

But you should analyze their tweets.

The best way to do that is by asking yourself these questions:

• How do they hook the reader?

• What kind of content is this? Motivational? Educational? Entertainment?

• How’s the structure? Do they use white space? Does the sentence length vary? 

• How do they end the tweet?

Try to analyze at least 3 tweets a day.

I would recommend just using pen and paper.

Try it out and watch your content become top-tier within a week.

Best regards,


P.S> I’m taking 2 more clients (100-500 followers) to help them grow their brand.

No results= Refund.

If you’re interested, DM me “growth”.