This Habit Changed Everything…

My friend,

(Transformation incoming, not a fake one as most X creators do)

My life had 0 direction.

For months, I was consuming countless hours of self-improvement content.

Hamza, Iman Ghadzi, etc.

I knew everything about self-improvement except for 1 thing…

How to do it myself.

I hadn’t realized it yet,

But I was frying my brain and wasting valuable time.

At that time I didn’t:

• Hit the gym

• Read books

• Have a side hustle

I was just looking at other people doing these things.

And the worst part:

I thought I was being productive.

When in reality, I was mentally masturbating.

But this all changed in ONE moment…

I asked my friend if he wanted to introduce me to the gym.

We went together that day and I haven’t looked back ever since.

Working out became the coatrack on which I could hang all other habits.

The ball started rolling.

Mediation, reading, journaling, reflection.

I turned everything that the self-improvement gurus told me into reality.

I started seeing results:

• Physique improved

• More confidence

• Mental clarity

Improving myself became an addiction.

A healthy one.

And it all started because I decided to go to the gym.

Sometimes you just need one event in your life to get the ball rolling.

I hope you’ve had that event already.

If not, feel free to shoot me a DM on X.

Kind regards,
