• ThePatrator
  • Posts
  • forget everything you learned at school

forget everything you learned at school

it's all BS

Back in high school, I hated English class.

Do you want to know what I hated most?

It wasn’t the essays, it wasn’t the presentations, it wasn’t even reading Shakespeare.

It was the word count.

Every essay I had to write needed a word count of over 1000

And that was so infuriating.

It takes me about 300 words to write all I need for an essay.

And the other 700?

I would write some nonsense.

And I kept using this same approach for every essay.

This was the biggest problem with my writing.

And I see it everywhere on X.

Most creators tend to write what is more than necessary on their posts thinking it would gain some attraction but that is far from the truth. 

It will only hurt their engagement.

You need to understand this.

Almost everyone on X has a short attention span.

No one is willing to read a post with so much unnecessary crap on it.

Now If you do this, I don’t want you to worry.

It’s not your fault. The school system trained you to write that way.

So do this instead.

First I want you to do is forget everything you learned about writing in school.


Throw all that away in the trash.

Then start applying these rules in your posts:

  • Rule of 1

  • White space

  • Bullet points

  • Write to 1 person

  • Clear and concise

And your writing will improve big time… attracting lots of eyes.

But if you need help or some posts to refer to go check out my X account.

All of my posts follow these rules.

PS: There are only 2 more spots left for my mentorship program this month.

So if you’re a coach or business owner and you want to

  • Stand out in your niche

  • Attract 10 to 20 leads

  • Write impactful content

Reply to this email ASAP and we can have a chat.

Wish you all the best,
