I failed

More than once

It may look like I’m winning on X.

But in reality, I had to fail so many times to get to where I’m now.

Sounds like the average motivational speaker right?

But it’s so true.

Here are 3 huge mistakes I made on X (so you can avoid them):

  1. Being scared of judgment

Back in the day, I didn’t dare to be myself.

I was scared to be judged by everyone.

‘’If I comment this they might think I’m weird’’

‘’If I post this they might think I’m cringe’’

But I was just an insecure coward.

People don’t care.

They love weird people on X, after seeing countless of bot accounts.

Heard a powerful quote about this:

‘’They’ll judge you anyways’’

So just be you and be brave enough to be different.

  1. Not monetizing earlier

If you’re reading this at around 500-1000 followers, let me tell you something:

It is not too early to monetize.

I’ve seen some dudes with 500 followers earn buck after buck.

If only I realized this earlier…

I still wasn’t monetizing at 1300 followers.

Way too late, I was falling behind.

So I picked it up and started creating an offer.

You should too.

Stop complaining.

  1. Not studying writing

My writing used to be trash.

• Emojis

• Filler words

• No whitespace

Everything that I could’ve done wrong, I did wrong.

People were telling me: 

‘’Write shorter’’

‘’Use bulletpoints’’

‘’Cut out filler words’’

But I wasn’t listening.

It all changed when I started to study the top creators.

How do they hook?

How do they structure?

How do they end?

From that moment, my writing ability started to grow like Hulk.

I got better with every tweet.

And you should too.

Choose 5-10 creators you look up to and study their writing every day.

Don’t just read their tweets, analyze them up until the last dot.

That was it for today.

Love you guys,



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