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  • You can’t stay consistent. Here’s why…

You can’t stay consistent. Here’s why…

THE secret to staying consistent on X


I haven’t missed a single day on X for the past 5 months.

I tweeted every day.

I engaged every day.

I DMed every day.

How do you do it? People ask all the time.

I respond with this…

Do you ever skip brushing your teeth?

No of course not.

It’s a habit you’ve had for a long time.

Just like brushing my teeth,

X became my habit.

I fit creating on X in my routine perfectly.

Here’s how I fit it all into my daily life:


Right after waking up I write 3 tweets and schedule them. 

I reply to all DMs.


After school, I engage for 30 mins.

I reply to all comments on my posts.

And the evening is for other work.

I follow this routine Every. Single. Day.

0 days off.

I’ll never lose my momentum.

And you won’t either after reading this.

Wish you all the best,


P.S- Check out this FREE playbook on how to write a viral tweet : VIRAL TWEET Writing Playbook