My account got deleted

I'm devestated

Just kidding.

But if my account gets deleted one day,

I won’t be depressed.

Here are 3 that I’d do if I had to start all over again on X:

  1. Posting 3x a day

When I first started, I posted 6 times/day.

5 of them were low quality.

1 was kind of decent.

On November 1 I switched to posting only 3x a day.

Best decision I made that month.

I started growing like a wild MFer.

From November 1 to now, I grew 800 followers.

All because I started posting less but higher quality

  1. Networking with other creators

When most of you think about networking on X you think of either:

DMing or Engaging.

When in reality the combination of both is extremely powerful.

If you want to build a connection with a creator you need to do 2 things:

1 ) You engage with his tweets for a few days

2 ) You shoot him a DM about one of his tweets

After that, you just do whatever.

  1. Enjoy all of it

In 10 years you're going to look back on the situation you’re in now.

And be grateful asf for everything.

Even the days that you felt like giving up.

Even the days that you felt overwhelmed.

Even the days that you saw no growth.

So enjoy the situation you’re in right now.

Heard a powerful quote by Gordon Ramsey yesterday:

‘’You shouldn’t be afraid of the storm, you should learn how to dance in the rain’’

Read that again.

That was it for today.


P.S> I’m taking 1 more client to help them grow their brand.

No results= Refund.

If you’re interested, DM me “GROWTH”.

Get your free viral tweet playbook HERE